Monday, March 20, 2017

Best Notepad Tricks You Must Try For Fun

Best Notepad Tips & Tricks You Must Try For Fun

Notepad is known as a simple text editor provided by Microsoft. But Notepad is not as simple as it is considered. There are many Notepad Tips Tricks and hacks you can do. Notepad can be used to open many unknown extensions files. In notepad, we can write the initial code that can then be compiled.
This tutorial is for the tricks lovers, in this article, I am going to share some cool notepad tricks with you.

1. How to shutdown your Computer Using Notepad.
You can Shutdown the Computer by just double clicking on .vbs file by using the following code:

Write the above code in Notepad and save it as a anyname.vbs file. Now whenever you click on the .vbs file, ypur computer will shutdown.

2.How to create fake windows errors.

With this command below you can fool your friends easily because this trick will create a fake windows error pop-up message.
Open Notepad, and paste following code:

In the place of “type your Message Here,” you can write any message to scare your friends.
Save this file as errors.vbs

3.How to Convert Text to Speech.

With this command your computer will make a speech anything you write in text box.
Open Notepad, and paste following code:

Save this file as text to speech.vbs.

4.To Type something repeatedly.

If you wish to type something again and again then, you can use the following code:
Save this file as repeat.vbs.

5.How to Make CD Drive Open & Close Again and again.

This code will make your CD drive open and close again and again repeatedly.For this 
Open Notepad and type the following  the code :
Save your notepad file as cdopen.vbs. 
When you open cdopen.vbs and it will start the process to continuously open and close CD drive. To stop the process, open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and stop cdopen.vbs process.

6.How to bring Matrix Effect.

To bring effect to your command prompt, You can use the following code. Type following code in notepad:
Save this file with an extension .bat. 
On clicking on this file you will get matrix effect.

7.How to Make Keyboard LED lights to Dance.

The following script can can toggle Caps Lock repeatedly. Copy paste the following script in notepad:
Save it as capslock.vbs file.
To stop the process, open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and stop cdopen.vbs process.

8.How to make Password protected folder Without Any software.

Password protection is really important when it comes to personal and private documents, which are meant not to be shared with anyone using your computer. You can protect files in many ways, but I would always prefer to do it without using any third party softwares, because you never know the authenticity of these tools.
You can make password protected folder in notepad without any software with some codes.
Follow this link to know how to make password protected folder without any software.

9.Open 100s of Notepad Tabs And Crash Your Friends PC/Laptop.

Open Notepad an paste the following Code:


Save this note as “Unlimitednotepad.bat” and send it to your friends as an attachment. 
Enjoy them squirming every time their PC crashes.

Never Ever run the below mentioned two tricks on your PC/laptop. Running these files will delete/format your C: Drive.

10.Format Your Whole Hard Disk With This Notepad Trick

This is really interesting things for you guys, you can format any PC by executing below file. Open notepad and type the below code in it.
Now save it as  “Format.exe” or give any name you desire but keep the extension as .exe. That’s It ! Now just double click on the file (to open it) and your C: drive will be formatted !

11.Write A Simple Virus that delete the contents of your C: Drive.
Open notepad and paste the following Code:

And save that as bomb.bat or any other name that you with .bat extension. When you double-click and open this file, it will start deleting the contents of your C:

So, which of these are your favorite notepad tips and tricks.Tell us in Comments, and do share and let the others know

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