Sunday, March 19, 2017

Super Mario Run is coming to Android finally has an official release date

Super Mario Run is coming to Android finally has an official release date
Image Source: Nintendo

Popular auto running video Super Mario Developed by Nintendo is finally coming to Android platform after months of waiting.The makers of the Game have confirm that it will launched on Thursday, march 23, 2017.

Super Mario Run was launched on iOS in December 2016 and has earned the company over $50 million so far. Now expanding revenue to Android Could rake in more revenue.

The android version of Super Mario run with the version 2.0.0 update will be launched on march 23. It is listed on Google Play Store, but no download option is there yet. Gamers can, however, pre-register if they wan tot know launch-related alerts and other informations. iPhone users will get an update to the version on the same day. The update will add some new playable characters to the game.

It’s likely that Super Mario Run will be available as a free download, just like the iPhone version. A $9.99 one-time payment is required to unlock the full game on iOS, which is what we expect for Android as well.

Super Mario Run is now available for preorder in the Google Play store.

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