Sunday, March 19, 2017

How To Insert Text Box In Blogger Post

How To Insert Simple Text Box In Blogger Post.

See an example of a text area below to get an idea of what it actually looks like.

You can use this text box to highlight HTML codes, Important texts, etc. Just Go To “Edit HTML” while creating post and paste below codes into desired location.

Just enter “Text Area” in compose mode where you want to insert Text box and switch to HTML mode. After that find (Ctrl+F) “Text Area” and replace it with below code:

Normal Text Boxes For Blogger

  • To Create Editable Text box

<textarea rows=”3″ cols=”10″>Your Text Here textarea>

Anyone can write in this type of Text Box.

  • To create Read only text box
<textarea rows=”5″ cols=”20″ name=”Privacy Policy” readonly=”readonly”>
Your text here </textarea>
This type of text box is read only. no one can edit this text area.

  • To Create Link Text box
<textarea rows=”5″ cols=”20″ name=”Link To Blog” readonly=”readonly”>Your HyperLink Code Here </textarea>

This Text Box is also Read only, the difference is only that you can add link in this Text Box specially.

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