Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How To Create Your Own Falling Matrix Effect In Windows PC

How To Create Your Own Falling Matrix Effect In Windows PC?
How To Create Your Own Falling Matrix Effect In Windows PC
Image Source: Pixabay

I think Everybody Loves the "Green Falling Effects" the visual effect of the falling binary code known as "Rain" in The Movie Named Matrix. Whenever I see the Matrix movie, I wonder how do the operator see objects through that "Green random code"

I know how to create a similar screen with green random numbers falling. You can also create it very easily with a simple batch file. May be you want to create a falling matrix to impress your friends, Or maybe you want to record it and turn it into a sweet video intro, or a screensaver! 

Today I will show you how you can create falling Matrix effect. The falling matrix effect is extremely easy to do with simple Batch File in notepad , and the resulting Visual Effect is fantastic! So, here’s how to make the falling matrix code in notepad.

Step 1 : First open Notepad.

Step 2 : Copy the code below and paste it in your notepad.

Step 3 : Click on "File" and then select  "Save As" option. Now save your file with a ".bat" extension i.e like "Matrix.bat".

Step 4 : Now simply close the file and go to the location where you saved the file.

Step 5 : Run the "Matrix.bat" file that you saved, as an administrator.

Now, you will see Falling Matrix effect (random green code) being generated on the screen.

How to stop the Batch File code?

Just press ctrl +C while the program is running. This stops the program and asks you if you want to quit the program. Press Y to exit.

Description, Why this Happens?

Here we saved the file with a '.bat' extension which stands for "batch" file .When a batch file is run, the shell program which is usually a Command Prompt or cmd.exe reads the file and executes its commands line-by-line.

Here in the code we are just printing random numbers which are generated by the line %random which generates random numbers. By using a lot of random variables we are generating the scrolling effect. 

If your screen doesn’t get filled with code horizontally, just paste more of those  %random variables in the code.
The line color 02 tells the computer to select green color. As from RGB Where if you want Red color change code to 04, if you want blue color change it to 01.

So, by this way you can Create your own Falling Matrix Effect in Command Prompt in Windows PC. Create your own matrix effect and Enjoy. Do Comment below if You faces any problem and Do share with your friends and let them know too.

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